

Used when ospf does not correctly receive the hello message. %vlan%: the ospf vlan which received the hello message. %src%: the source IP address of the received hello packet. %reason": the failure reason. The possible arguments are "checksum", "authentication(simple password)", "authentication(no MD5 keyID)", "authentication(MD5)", "incorrect ospf version", "incorrect sender", "No Virtual Link for sender", "DOWN Virtual Link", "source area is not the same area of the interface", "mismatch authentication type", "self-originated packet", "Hello interval mismatch", "Router dead interval mismatch", "Area type mismatch", "Netmask mismatch", "Not a configured neighbor", "Different/Extra neighbor on Point-to-Point link", "Interface is temp down state", "Different neighbor on Virtual link".


If any configuration issue is observed, that needs to be corrected.



Message Text

%vlan% receives Hello pkt from %src% failed %reason%.

Message Parameters

Name Type
vlan VLAN
src IPN
reason String